Endorsement: Daily Herald endorses Foster over Stella in 11th Congressional District

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

By Daily Herald Editorial Board

With science under attack in the federal government and concerns about climate change broadening, it’s good to have a scientist in the house. Specifically, the U.S. House, where 11th District incumbent Bill Foster not only knows his science but expresses it with a calm and civil demeanor that is in short supply in this rancorous year.

Foster, a particle physicist and a Democrat from Naperville, is seeking his fourth term, and we see no reason to replace him. He is quietly effective in a Congress ruled by the GOP, co-sponsoring with Arkansas Republican Rep. French Hill a bill protecting financial institutions during money laundering investigations and another with Hill and Republican U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren of Plano to exempt community banks from the Volcker Rule, which prohibits banks from certain investments using their accounts.

That kind of bipartisanship is sorely needed in Congress, no matter which party ends up in control of the House.

Foster passionately echoes his political party on the marquee issues of the day — opposing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, backing an earned path to citizenship for some undocumented immigrants, opposing repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and calling out President Donald Trump for “moral failures” in separating immigrant families at the border and imposing a travel ban for people from countries that largely have Muslim majorities.

Foster’s Republican opponent, Nick Stella of Darien, also deals with science as an interventional cardiologist. However, Stella falls short on detailed analysis and is too quick with partisan brickbats aimed at his opponent.

We endorse Foster in the 11th District, which includes parts of DuPage, Kane, Kendall and Will counties.

Endorsement: Daily Herald endorses Foster over Stella in 11th Congressional District

Paid for by Bill Foster for Congress